Friday, July 2, 2010

Giggles and Rolling Over

We are having so much fun with Oliver. It is great to watch his personality emerge.

In the last few days we have heard more giggles from Oliver - Matt and I get so excited every time we hear it. At this point we are having a hard time pinpointing what it is he will find funny and it seems that he always is demanding new material because it is rare that same old bit will make him laugh twice. If anyone has tips for some sure fire baby laughing material, please send it our way! Last night in the bathtub he found his squirting whale toy to be hilarious.

Also, Oliver has consistently hated "tummy time" and just this week he has discovered how to remedy the situation. As soon as we put him on his tummy he now rolls to his back and gets a big smile on his face because he knows he has averted the dreaded "tummy time". It is so cute and he looks so proud of himself that I usually don't have the heart to put him back on his tummy...


  1. My mom could get Lucy to laugh by putting her on a mattress and bouncing it gently. She was the first one to get her to ever laugh and used this never fail method! Worked every time!

  2. I've seen videos of babies who crack up over the silliest things - the sound of ripping paper, mommy or daddy dropping something on the floor, etc... I'm sure you'll discover his funny bone, and tickle it regularly! :)
